Bear and His Knee 2/2/15

Ted and I are sitting in the exam room at a veterinary hospital in Daytona Beach that specializes in orthopedic surgery.  The tech has just come in to get Bear’s “story”, then escorts him past us and into the hall.

“I’m just going to get his vitals,” she says.  “Then the surgeon will take him outside, examine him, watch him walk, and do a few tests.”

Ted and I sit and wait – talking about whether to let this surgeon do Bear’s operation or take him back to Georgia.  Talking about the challenge of keeping him off the stairs for six weeks.  Talking about how much he’s going to hate being isolated downstairs (although Blake being here will help that).  Talking about the scatter rugs we’ll need to purchase with non-skid backing so he won’t slip and slide on the tile floor downstairs and damage his newly repaired knee.  Etc., etc.

The door opens, and Bear and the surgeon walk through.  Bear comes happily over and greets me as though we’ve been apart for ten weeks instead of ten minutes.

The surgeon leans against the wall and says, “His right knee is definitely unstable.  The ACL is torn and will not heal itself.  But – he has absolutely no symptoms.  He’s not limping.  He’s not favoring that leg.  He’s not losing muscle mass in either leg.  A doctor’s first  lesson is ‘do no harm’.  So I’m going to say let’s leave it alone and see how it goes.  Stop babying him.  Let him be himself.  If he wants to run and play, let him.  You can’t keep him in a box the rest of his life.  He might become symptomatic two days from now – or he may never.  Let him be Bear.”

Instead of tears, I walked out of the office with this huge grin plastered on my face.  We got home, opened the back of my Ford Escape, and for the first time in six months let Bear jump out of the vehicle instead of using the ramp.

If sparkling eyes could talk, Bear’s would have said, “Finally!”

Doing what he loves best - racing through the Mackinac woods.

Doing what he loves best – racing through the Mackinac woods.

In Canada at friends' cabin on a lake.

In Canada at friends’ cabin on a lake.

With our Pet Partners Therapy Dog group in Georgia

With our Pet Partners Therapy Dog group in Georgia

Giving the taxi driver directions on Mackinac.

Giving the taxi driver directions on Mackinac.

Playing in the snow in Arkansas as a three-year-old.

Playing in the snow in Arkansas as a three-year-old.

Tulips, Bear, and the Grand Hotel

Tulips, Bear, and the Grand Hotel

Thank you, thank you for all the prayers you’ve lifted, and for the emails and Facebook comments.  Y’all are the best!



33 thoughts on “Bear and His Knee 2/2/15

  1. That’s a wise doctor, indeed! We could all learn a lesson in life using her perspective.
    My mind would have been racing through the seemingly inevitable post-surgery adjustments just as fast as yours and Ted’s minds were.
    I would have cried, though. Pure relief!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love that vet! “First do no harm.” Just like my orthopedic surgeon said to me about my knee…surgery is a last resort. Until it interferes with my quality of life…leave it alone. And so too for Bear! Yea Bear!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am so happy to read this, Brenda! Love that vet too! Tears came to my eyes as I imagined how WE would feel if it were Sophie! Thanks for sharing the pics of Bear, he is a doll and I am so glad he can “be Bear”!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Tears, Tears, & more tears! It seems so silly that I crying over good news but I can’t stop! Good Grief! What a relief that Bear can live a “carefree” live for awhile. Even though surgery may be in his future, at least he gets to enjoy his time now.

    Hugs from our Bear to your Bear!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You have been in my thoughts and prayers all day! Reading your post tonight brought happy tears to my eyes. Love all the pictures of Bear. He so reminds me of our Lacy girl who went to Rainbow Bridge five years ago.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Brenda, I am so thankful for the good news about Bear & that he can do what he loves again, RUN !!! I love the pics, He is a Beautiful dog….In my thoughts & prayers…..


  7. Congratulations, Bear,

    Now you can just run and have a good time. If your mom and dad say anything, just tell them to remember what the doctor said.

    I liked all of the pictures of you, but there were two that I liked best. One where you were on the shore of the lake in Canada and the one where you were the model in front of the tulips and the Grand. Really great pictures of you and I’ve had them saved in my Mackinac Island.

    Now, Bear, you have a ball running on the Cinnamon Beach.


  8. What wonderful news! Couldn’t be happier for you and Ted and Bear and Maddie. Everyone’s breathing easier, I’m sure. Enjoy your walks on the beach!


  9. Great news for all! Now you can exhale, and enjoy Bear, without all the worry.
    Lily and Dora Airedale, send their best too. They’ve been busy romping in the snow.
    Enjoy your Bear.


  10. Awww! I’m so happy to hear this report!!! I needed some good news! It sounds like you found a very wise doctor for Bear. Have a wonderful week! 🙂


  11. LET BEAR BE BEAR… Great life lesson here for me. Instead of focusing on “what if’s”, dogs are joyful gifts (okay not all the time;) that show what it’s like to be in the present.

    Great news Brenda, Ted, Maddie, and Bear!


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